Algernon Tutorial
These slides provide a brief tutorial to Algernon. The user
should already know a bit about rule-based reasoning and
be familiar with a frame-based KBMS such as
The tutorial slides use the Newspaper example KB that is supplied
with every release of Protégé. The Newspaper KB was
relatively unchanged until 7 Feb 2003 when it was extensively
updated in Protégé release 1.8beta build 1030.
These tutorial slides currently use the version of the Newspaper KB in use
before build 1030.
Class 1: Foundations
- Uses of Algernon
- Paths, clauses and relations
- Ground and non-ground clauses
- Bindings, Binding Lists and Binding Sets
- Success and failure of clauses
- Syntax Summary
- Simple queries
- Simple assertions
- Running Algernon
Class 2: Beginning Algernon
- Continuing with queries
- Type checking
- Utility routines
- Macros involving classes and instances
- Creating classes, instances and relations
- Deleting classes, instances and relations
Class 3: Intermediate Algernon
- Introduction to rules
- Forward-chaining rules
- Backward-chaining rules
Class 4: Advanced Algernon: Designing and Implementing a Rule-Based System
- Customer billing in the Newspaper example
- Requirements
- System Design
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Author: Micheal Hewett
Last Updated: Monday, June 06, 2005