Sets the trace level, controlling debugging output.
- level
(Color MyHouse ?what)
Success criteria
Always succeeds.
Failure criteria
Never fails.
- :SILENT - print no extra output.
- :NORMAL - Prints when a command succeeds or fails.
- :VERBOSE - standard debugging level. Suitable for most debugging.
- :DETAIL - More debugging detail.
- :DEBUG - Prints the internal registers every reasoning step. You probably don't want to use this level.
- :STEP - Puts the internal processor in Step mode so the user can step through the execution of the code.
- :RUN - Takes the internal processor out of Step mode.
- :DEBUG-COMPILER-ON - used for debugging the path compiler. Most people won't need to use this.
- :DEBUG-COMPILER-OFF - used for debugging the path compiler. Most people won't need to use this.
When in Step mode, hit Enter to go one step forward, or enter a number to go that many steps forward,
or type GO or RUN to exit step mode.
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