This command is currently not working.


Finds or Creates a new class.


(variable superclass)
A variable to be bound to the found or new class and the superclass of that class.
Clauses to be asserted about the new class. If a (:NAME ...) clause is included, the new class will be created with the name given in that clause.


  (:FORC-CLASS (?c Automobiles) (:NAME ?c "Trucks"))
  (:FORC-CLASS (?cats Mammals)  (:NAME ?cats "Cats") (enemyOf ?cats Dogs))

Success criteria

Succeeds if the subclass is found or successfully created.

Failure criteria

Fails if the subclass can not be found or created.


The superclass of the new class must already exist.

If a class with the stated properties can not be found, this command is equivalent to :ADD-CLASS.

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