Either finds exactly one class with the given properties, or else
creates one with those properties.
- (variable superclass)
- A variable to be bound to the found or new class and the superclass of that class.
- clause*
- Clauses to be asserted about the new class. If a
(:NAME ...)
is included, the new class will be created with the name given in that clause.
(:THE-CLASS (?t1 Vehicles) (:NAME ?t1 "Trucks"))
(:THE-CLASS (?new Animals) (:NAME ?new "Cats") (enemyOf ?new Dogs))
Success criteria
Succeeds if exactly one class is found or successfully created.
Failure criteria
Fails if a class can not be found or created.
The superclass of the new class must already exist.
If a class with the stated properties can not be found,
this command is equivalent to :ADD-CLASS.
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